Hite J.L., R. M. Penczykowski, D. J. Civitello, M. S. Shocket, A. T. Strauss, M. A. Duffy, C. E. Cáceres, and S. R. Hall. Adult-biased virulence shifts host demography. In prep.
P. Branco, M. Egas, S.R., Hall , and J Huisman. 2019. Why do Plankton Evolve Large Size in Response to Grazing. The American Naturalist. 99(9), 1975-1987 PDF
Duffy, M.A., C.E., Cáceres, S.R., Hall . 2019. Healthy heards or predator spreaders? Insights from the plankton into how predators suppress and spread disease. Wildlife Disease Ecology: Linking Theory to Data and Application. Cambridge University Press.
Stewart-Merril, T.E, S.R., Hall , and C.E., Cáceres. 2019. Variation in immune defense shapes disease outcomes in laboratory and wild Daphnia. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 59(5), 1203-1219 PDF
Strauss, A.T., J.L., Hite, D.J. Civitello, M.S., Shocket, C.E., Cáceres, S.R., Hall . 2019. Genotypic variation in parasite avoidance behavior and other mechanistic, nonlinear components of transmission. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 286(1915). PDF
Shocket, M.S., A.T., Strauss, J.L., Hite, J.L., M. Šljivar, D.C., Civitello, M.A., Duffy, C.E., Cáceres, S.R., Hall . 2018. Temperature drives epidemics in a zooplankton-fungus disease system: a trait-driven approach points to transmission via host foraging. The American Naturalist. 191(4), 435-451 PDF
Shocket, M. S., D., Vergara, A. Sickbert, J. Walsman, A.T., Strauss, J.L. Hite, M.A., Duffy, C.E., Cáceres, S.R., Hall . 2018. Parasite rearing and infection temperatures jointly influence disease transmission and shape seasonality of epidemics. Ecology. 99(9), 1975-1987 PDF
Strauss, A.T., A.M., Bowling, M.A., Duffy, C.E., Cáceres, and S.R., Hall . 2018. Linking host traits, interactions with competitors, and disease: Mechanistic foundations for disease dilution. Functional Ecology. 32(5), 1271-1279 PDF
Hite J.L., R. M. Penczykowski, M. S. Shocket, K. Griebel*, A.T. Strauss, M. A. Duffy, C. E. Cáceres, and S.R. Hall . 2017. Allocation, not male resistance, increases male frequency during epidemics: a case study in facultatively-sexual hosts. Ecology. 98(1), 2773-2783 PDF AppendixA AppendixB
Leibold, M.A., S.R. Hall, V.H. Smith, and D.A. Lytle. 2017. Herbivory enhances the diversity of primary producers in pond ecosystems. Ecology. 98(1), 48–56. PDF
Strauss, A.T., J.L., Hite, M.S., Shocket, M.A., Duffy, C.E., Cáceres, and S.R. Hall . 2017. Rapid evolution rescues hosts from competition and disease and – despite a dilution effect – increases the density of infected hosts. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 284:20171970. PDF
Hite, J.L., J. Bosch, S. Fernández-Beaskoetxea, D. M. Medina, and S.R. Hall. 2016. Proc. Roy. Soc. London B. Joint effects of habitat, predators, host stage structure, and diversity on amphibian chytrid. PDF
Hite, J.L., R.M. Penczykowski, M.S. Shocket, A.T. Strauss, P.A. Orlando, M.A. Duffy, C.E., Cáceres, and S.R. Hall. 2016. Parasites destabilize host populations by shifting stage-structured interactions. Ecology. 97(2), 439–449. PDF
Smith L.M. and S.R. Hall. 2016. Extended leaf phenology may drive plant invasion through direct and apparent competition. Oikos. 125(6), 839–848. PDF
Strauss, A.T., M.S. Shocket, D.J. Civitello, J.L. Hite, R.M. Penczykowski, M.A. Duffy, C.E., Cáceres, and S.R. Hall . 2016. Habitat, predators, and hosts regulate disease in Daphnia through direct and indirect pathways. Ecological Monographs. 86(4), 393-411. PDF
Civitello, D.J., R.M. Penczykowski, A.N. Smith, M.S. Shocket, M.A. Duffy, and S.R. Hall. 2015. Resources, key traits, and the size of fungal epidemics in Daphnia populations. Journal of Animal Ecology. 84, 1010–1017. PDF
Orlando, P. A. and S.R. Hall. 2015. How do generalist consumers coexist over evolutionary time? An explanation with nutrition and tradeoffs. Theoretical Ecology. Volume 8, Issue 3, pp 383–398. PDF
Searle, C., J. Ochs, C.E. Cáceres, S. Chaing, N. Gerardo, S.R. Hall , M.A. Duffy. 2015. Plasticity, not genetic variation, drives infection success of a fungal parasite. Parasitology. 142(6):839-48. PDF
Strauss, A.T., D.J. Civitello, C.E., Cáceres, and S.R. Hall . 2015. Success, failure, and ambiguity of the dilution effect among competitors. Ecology Letters. PDF Appendix
Auld, S.K.J.R., S.R. Hall , J.H. Ochs, M. Sebastian, and M.A. Duffy. 2014. Predators and patterns of within-host growth can mediate both among-host competition and the evolution of transmission potential of parasites. The American Naturalist PDF Appendix
Cáceres, C.E., A.J. Tessier, M.A. Duffy, and S.R. Hall . 2014. Disease in freshwater zooplankton: what have we learned and where are we going? J. Plankton Res. 0(0): 1–8. PDF
Civitello D.J., J.L. Hite, S.R. Hall . 2014. Potassium enrichment stimulates the growth and reproduction of a clone of Daphnia dentifera Oecologia 175: 773-780. PDF
Hurtado, P, S.R. Hall , and S.P. Ellner. 2014. Infectious disease in consumer populations: dynamic consequences of prey-mediated transmission and infectiousness. Theoretical Ecology. 7:163-179. PDF
Penczykowski, R.M., S.R. Hall , D.J. Civitello, and M.A. Duffy. 2014. Habitat structure and ecological drivers of disease. Limnology and Oceanography. 59(2), 340–348. PDF
Penczykowski, R.M., B.C.P. Lemanski, R.D. Sieg, S.R. Hall , J.H. Ochs, J. Kubanek, and M.A. Duffy. 2014. When bad food is good: Poor resource quality lowers transmission potential by changing foraging behavior. Functional Ecology. PDF
Auld, S.K.J.R., R.M. Penczykowski, J.H. Ochs, D.C. Grippi, S.R. Hall , and M.A. Duffy*. 2013. Variation in costs of parasite resistance among natural host populations. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 26(11):2479-2486. PDF
Bertram, C.R., M. Pinkowski, S.R. Hall , M.A. Duffy, and C.E. Cáceres. 2013. Trait-mediated indirect effects, predators, and disease: test of a size-based model. Oecologia PDF
Civitello, D.J., S. Pearsall, M.A. Duffy, and S.R. Hall. 2013. Parasite consumption and host interference can inhibit disease spread in dense populations. Ecology Letters 16: 626–634 PDF Appendices
Civitello, D.J., R.M. Penczykowski, J.L. Hite, M.A. Duffy, and S.R. Hall. 2013. Potassium stimulates fungal epidemics in a freshwater invertebrate. Ecology 94(2): 380–388 PDF Appendix
Civitello, D.J., P. Forys, A.P. Johnson, and S.R. Hall. 2012. Chronic contamination decreases disease spread: a Daphnia-fungus-copper case study. Proc. Roy. Soc. London B., PDF
Duffy, M.A., J. Housley Ochs, R.M. Penczykowski, D.J. Civitello, C.A. Klausmeier, and S.R. Hall. 2012. Ecological context influences epidemic size and parasite-mediated selection. Science 334:1636-1638 PDF Appendix Cover
Hall, S.R., C.R. Becker, M.A. Duffy, and C.E. Cáceres. 2012. A power-efficiency tradeoff alters epidemiological relationships. Ecology 93:645-656 PDF Appendix
Overholt, E.P., S.R. Hall, C.E. Williamson, C.K. Meikle, M.A. Duffy, and C.E. Cáceres. 2012. Solar radiation decreases parasitism in Daphnia. Ecology Letters 15:47-54. PDF Appendix
Auld, S.K.J.R, S.R. Hall, and M.A. Duffy. 2012. Epidemiology of a Daphnia-multiparasite system: implications for the Red Queen. PLoS One 7: e39564 PDF
Hall, S.R., C.R. Becker, M.A. Duffy, and C.E. Cáceres. 2011. Epidemic size determines population-level effects of fungal parasites on Daphnia hosts. Oecologia 166:833-842 PDF Appendix
Duffy, M.A., J.M. Housley, R.M. Penczykowski, C.E. Cáceres, and S.R. Hall. 2011. Unhealthy herds: indirect effects of predators enhance two drivers of disease spread. Functional Ecology PDF Appendix
Prior, N.H., C.N. Washington, J.M. Housley, S.R. Hall, M.A. Duffy, and C.E. Cáceres. 2011. Maternal effects and epidemiological traits in a planktonic host-parasite system. Evolutionary Ecology Research 13: 401-413 PDF
Hall, S.R., R. Smyth, C.R. Becker, M.A. Duffy, C.J. Knight, S. MacIntyre, A.J. Tessier, C.E. Cáceres. 2010. Why are Daphnia in some lakes sicker? Disease ecology, habitat structure, and the plankton. BioScience 60:363-375 PDF
Duffy, M.A., C.E. Cáceres , S.R. Hall, A.J. Tessier , A.R. Ives. 2010. Temporal, spatial, and between-host comparisons of patterns of parasitism in lake zooplankton. Ecology 91:3322-3331 PDF Appendices A-E
Hall, S.R., C.R. Becker, M.A. Duffy, and C.E. Cáceres. 2010. Variation in resource acquisition and use among host clones creates key epidemiological trade-offs. American Naturalist 176:557-565 PDF Appendix
Hall, S.R., C.R. Becker, J.L. Simonis, M.A. Duffy, A.J. Tessier, and C.E. Cáceres. 2009. Friendly competition: evidence for a dilution effect among competitors in a planktonic host-parasite system. Ecology 90:791-801. PDF Appendix A
Hall, S.R., J.L. Simonis, R.M. Nisbet, A.J. Tessier, and C.E. Cáceres. 2009. Resource ecology of virulence in a planktonic host-parasite system: an explanation using dynamic energy budgets. American Naturalist 174:149-162 PDF Appendix A Appendix B
Cáceres, C.E., C.J. Knight, and S.R. Hall. 2009. Predator spreaders: predation can enhance parasite success in a planktonic host-parasite system. Ecology 90:2850-2858 PDF Appendix A
Duffy, M.A., S.R. Hall, C.E. Cáceres, and A.R. Ives. 2009. Rapid evolution, seasonality, and the termination of epidemics. Ecology 1441-1448 PDF Appendix Supplement
Hall, S.R., C.M. Knight, C.R. Becker, M.A. Duffy, A.J. Tessier, and C.E. Cáceres. 2009. Quality matters: food quality and the course of epidemics in a planktonic host-parasite system. Ecology Letters, 12: 118-128 PDF Appendices
Hall, S.R. 2009. Stoichiometrically-explicit food webs: feedback between stoichiometric constraints and species interactions. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 40:503-0528 PDF
Duffy, M.A., and S.R. Hall. 2008. Selective predation and rapid evolution can jointly dampen effects of virulent parasites on Daphnia populations. American Naturalist 171:499-510 PDF Appendix A Appendix B (Winner of 2010 Mercer Award from ESA)
Duffy, M.A., C.E. Brassil, S.R. Hall, A.J. Tessier, C.E. Cáceres, and J.K. Conner. 2008. Parasite-mediated disruptive selection in a natural Daphnia population. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8:80 PDF
Darcy-Hall, T.L., and S.R. Hall. 2008. Linking limitation to shifts in species composition: importance of inter- and intra-specific variation in grazing resistance. Oecologia PDF Appendices
Hall, S.R., J.H. Brown, C.E. Cáceres, J.M. Chase, A.P. Dobson, R.D. Holt, C.G. Jones, K.D. Lafferty, S.E. Randolph, and P. Rohani. 2008. Is infectious disease just another type of consumer-resource interaction? Pp. 223-241 in R.S. Ostfeld, F. Keesing, and V.T. Eviner (eds). Reciprocal interactions betweens ecosystems and disease. Princeton University Press. PDF
Hall, S.R., M.A. Leibold, D.A. Lytle, and V.H. Smith. 2007. Grazing and the stoichiometric light:nutrient hypothesis: revisiting bottom-up and top-down effects on producer stoichiometry. Ecology 88:1142-1152. PDF Appendices
Hall, S.R., J.B. Shurin, S. Diehl, and R.M. Nisbet. 2007. Food quality, nutrient limitation of secondary production, and the strength of trophic cascades. Oikos 116:1128-1143. PDF Appendix B
Hall, S.R., C. Becker, and C.E. Cáceres. 2007. Parasitic castration: a perspective from a model of dynamic energy budgets. Integrative and Comparative Biology 47:295-309. PDF
Hall, S.R., L. Sivars-Becker, C. Becker, M.A. Duffy, A.J. Tessier, and C.E. Cáceres. 2007. Eating yourself sick: transmission of disease as a function of foraging ecology. Ecology Letters 10: 207-218 PDF Appendix S1 Appendix S2
Hall, S.R., M.A. Leibold, D.A. Lytle, and V.H. Smith. 2006. Inedible producers in food webs: controls on stoichiometric food quality and composition of grazers. American Naturalist 167:628-637 PDF Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C
Hall, S.R., A.J. Tessier, M.A. Duffy, M. Huebner, and C.E. Cáceres. 2006. Warmer does not have to mean sicker: temperature and predators can jointly drive timing of epidemics. Ecology 87:1684-1695 PDF Appendix A Appendix B
Cáceres, C.E., S.R. Hall, M.A. Duffy, A.J. Tessier, and S. MacIntyre. 2006. Physical structure of lakes constrains epidemics in Daphnia populations. Ecology 87:1438-1444 PDF Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C
Leibold, M.A., S.R. Hall, and O. Bjornstad. 2005. Food web architecture and its effects on consumer resource oscillations in experimental pond ecosystems. Pp. 37-47 in J. Moore and P. deRuyter and V. Wolters (eds). Dynamic food webs: multispecies assemblages, ecosystem development, and environmental change. Academic Press.
Hall, S.R., V.H. Smith, D.A. Lytle, and M.A. Leibold. 2005. Constraints on primary producer N:P stoichiometry along N:P supply ratio gradients. Ecology 86:1894-1904. PDF Appendix A Appendix B
Hall, S.R., M.A. Duffy, A.J. Tessier, and C.E. Cáceres. 2005. Spatial heterogeneity of daphniid parasitism within lakes. Oecologia 143:635-644. PDF Appendix
Hall, S.R., M.A. Duffy, and C.E. Cáceres. 2005. Selective predation and productivity jointly drive complex behavior in host-parasite systems. American Naturalist 180:70-81. PDF Appendix A Appendix B
Duffy, M.A., S.R. Hall, A.J. Tessier, and M. Huebner. 2005. Selective predators and their parasitized prey: Top-down control of epidemics. Limnology and Oceanography 50:412-420. PDF Appendix
Hall, S.R., M.A. Leibold, D.A. Lytle, and V.H. Smith. 2004. Stoichiometry and planktonic grazer composition over gradients of light, nutrients, and predation risk. Ecology 85:2291-2301. PDF Appendix A Appendix B
Hall, S.R. 2004. Stoichiometrically-explicit competition between grazers: species replacement, coexistence, and priority effects along resource supply gradients. American Naturalist 164:157-172. PDF Appendix A Appendix B
Hall, S.R., N.K. Pauliukonis, E.L. Mills, L.G. Rudstam, C.P. Schneider, S.J. Lary, and F. Arrhenius. 2003. A comparison of lower trophic level variables in embayment, nearshore and offshore habitats of Lake Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research 29:54-69. PDF
Hall, S.R., and E.L. Mills. 2000. Exotic species in large lakes of the world. Aquatic Environmental Health and Management 3:105-135. PDF
Hall, S.R., and L.G. Rudstam. 1999. Habitat use and recruitment: a comparison of long-term recruitment patterns among fish species in a shallow, eutrophic lake, Oneida Lake, NY, USA. Hydrobiologia 408/409:101-113. PDF